4 Alternative Ways to Sweeten Your Tea

Mary Poppins sung it best: A spoonful of sugar DOES help the medicine go down.

But, at Leaf Logic tea, we think dousing table sugar into tea designed to make you well feels a bit counter intuitive. In fact, that's the whole reason we got into the tea-making business in the first place (read our story here).

But, without a little sweetener, tea can taste like listless water. So, how do we brighten up the flavor without reversing the wellness effects with too much sugar?

We've asked the team and here are our four favorite, healthy ways to sweeten our tea!

1. Raw Honey - It may be our love of bees talking (our #leaflogicfarm bees will be on the blog soon!), but we find raw honey to be superior to all other sweeteners. Raw honey offers subtle sweetness backed by natural antioxidants, enzymes and minerals that add an additional wellness impact to our herbal and medicinal tea blends.

2. Maple Syrup -  Maple Sugar is one of our go-to choices not not just because it adds sweetness, but because it adds flavor and depth. It is a great addition to a rich Kansas Sunset Chai latte!

3. Stevia Leaf - A pinch of dried green stevia leaf is a low calorie, natural sweetener. We love it so much, we've included it in several of our blends for a natural sweetness straight out of the tea pot. Want to give it a shot? Stevia is in our Berry Bliss, Subtle Citrus Fusion, and Mint Meadow blends!

4. . Date Sugar or Date Syrup - We LOVE Date Lady organic date syrups. We're all about real food around here and her syrups are just that - natural sweetening from California dates. Check her out!


Trying to lower your sugar intake?

Recent studies show that taking a sip of your tea or coffee (gasp) BEFORE sweetening it makes it less likely you'll OVER sweeten it. Once you've taken that initial sugarless sip, your taste buds will be keenly aware to the sweet change. Simply put incrementally less sweetener in until at your desired level of intake.