peppermint tea

Green Tea Health Benefits To Get You Drinking Healthy!

Green Tea Health Benefits To Get You Drinking Healthy!

Green tea packs an amazing punch of health benefits with research over the years showing those benefits to including preventing heart disease, fighting cancer cells, lowering cholesterol and risk of stroke,  preventing diabetes, helping with weight loss by boosting the metabolism and burning fat, protecting the brain from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, and the list can go on and on. 

Find out more here!!

Chamomile Tea and my Dynamic Duo of Sheep Counting to help combat Insomnia!

Chamomile Tea and my Dynamic Duo of Sheep Counting to help combat Insomnia!

Let's talk for a little bit about stress. As a society in general, we are under so many stresses! But what if we gave ourselves a nightly healthy relaxing treat? A calming cup of tea will hit the spot and naturally help ease the stresses of our day!